March 16, 2015


I have figured out a lot of things over the past few weeks. I have been told a lot of things and I have been given a lot of advice but still it is hard for me to understand the purpose of this event.

When someone who you thought was important and you thought cared about you decides to leave and walk away it is only human nature to question yourself and wonder if you caused it. But as I question myself and wonder what I did wrong nothing comes to mind. I can't blame myself for what has happened and can only grow from this experience. 

Experience- knowledge or wisdom that is gained from what one have observed or encountered.

Over the course of a few weeks I kept telling myself it was a waste and it was all for nothing but even though it may have been a hurtful or sad experience, anything is never nothing. You can always learn something from every experience. You will gain wisdom and knowledge. Ask yourself the next time you are going through tough times or if you are going through them right now. What is something that I can learn from this? What is something I can gain?

The thing that I learned is that people will come and go for reasons that you may not know but stay true to who you are and learn from ALL experiences.


March 2, 2015


Hello to anyone who is actually taking the time to read this!

I am Madelyn and I am 16 years old. I am not really your average teenage girl, the one who goes out with friends and cares very little of everyone around them. I am more of the quiet one who sits in the back and minds my own business. I am the one who pays attention to sights and sounds of what everyone often looks past. Making sure that I am aware of my surroundings and to look at the beauty in everything. 

I have always been a very organized person and have always enjoyed writing and journaling. I have tried to keep diaries just like many others have, but I want to be able to share things and stories with others as a way of communication but also documentation for myself. I feel words have so much power and can be interpreted in many different ways. Just like a picture or a painting. Some may see it as a masterpiece but others may see it as trash. Stories and words are the same thing.

I am a quiet person but I have a lot to say. I think this is such an awesome way to keep a diary of my life and what I enjoy. Even though a diary is something that is meant to be private. It's kinda like a public diary I guess! It's time for me to do something different to make a change and to get out of my shell. Maybe starting a blog will be that change!
