January 16, 2018

Overwhelming Tuesdays...

It is Tuesday night and I am soaking in the bath. I love baths. I love lightning a candle, putting on some music, and just relaxing, thinking, and praying.

You would think that being alone with your thoughts could do more harm than good especially if you are an over thinker like me, but I seem to enjoy it very much. It’s like just having a conversation with God about just everything, every little thought running through your head.

With it being a new year, it can symbolize a blank slate or a fresh start but it can also be overwhelming and daunting. For me, there are so many things that I want to accomplish or goals that I want to fulfill. 

Tonight as I sit here and write this, I think about how amazing our Lord is. It just astounds me how He just knows. His presence puts my mind at ease; my heart at peace. 

I used to think that if I wasn’t sitting down and deticating specific time to “pray” I wasn’t doing it right, but in all honesty...what is the right way to pray? Or that I was a bad Christian? 

Sometimes just saying “Lord you know what is on my heart, and I trust in you to lead me to what you know is right.” It doesn’t have to be an elaborate prayer with a ton of fancy words. I am always in a state of prayer, constantly having small conversations with the Him can be the exact same or even more than getting on your knees and praying. 

And that is enough. 

I hope this message helps someone out there feeling the way I did.

Happy Tuesday!


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